by XO | Nov 9, 2017 | Author, Steve Rushton, Where to Publish
Steve Rushton Steve Rushton studied art at Kingston Polytechnic, exhibited regularly in England during the 1980s, studied art history at The Courtauld Institute and Birkbeck in the 1990s, and became an art and design history lecturer and arts curriculum area leader....
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Henry Finch, Where to Publish
Henry Finch Henry Finch’s poetry appears in The North American Review, The Sugar House Review, The Massachusetts Review, jubilat, The Seattle Review, Prelude, Forklift Ohio, Transom, The Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Sadek Mohammed, Where to Publish
Sadek Mohammed Sadek Mohammed (poet, translator, essayist and academic). He is the author of the collection of poetry Archeology of Scorched Cities (2013), the co-editor of Flowers of Flame: Unheard Voices of Iraq (2008) which was awarded the IPPY/Independent...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Claudia Serea, Where to Publish
Claudia Serea Claudia Serea a emigrat în Statele Unite în 1995. Scrie predominant în limba engleză, iar poeziile si traducerile ei sunt publicate în jurnale literare ca Field, New Letters, 5 a.m., Meridian, Harpur Palate, Word Riot, Blood Orange Review, Cutthroat,...