by XO | Sep 21, 2020 | Author, International Guests, Interviews, latest, Menno Wigman
Menno Wigman Menno Wigman s-a născut pe 10 octombrie 1966, la Beverwijk, în provincia Olanda de Nord. După studii de limbă și de literatură neerlandeză la Universitatea din Amsterdam, a lucrat ca jurnalist, redactor, buchinist și traducător (Charles Baudelaire,...
by XO | Jun 20, 2018 | Author, International Guests, Interviews, Peter Richards
Peter Richards Peter Richards was born in Urbana, Illinois in 1967. He is the recipient of a Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant in Poetry, an Iowa Arts Fellowship, an Academy of American Poets Prize, and the John Logan Award. His poems have appeared in PEN Poetry...
by XO | Jun 15, 2018 | Author, International Guests, Interviews, Laurie Kruk
Laurie Kruk Laurie Kruk teaches at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario, where she is Full Professor in English Studies, specializing in Canadian Literature. She has published The Voice is the Story: Conversations with Canadian...
by XO | Jun 15, 2018 | Author, Henry Finch, International Guests, Interviews
Henry Finch Henry Finch’s poetry appears in The North American Review, The Sugar House Review, The Massachusetts Review, jubilat, The Seattle Review, Prelude, Forklift Ohio, Transom, The Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the...
by XO | May 31, 2018 | Author, International Guests, Interviews, Tara Skurt
Tara Skurtu Tara Skurtu este o poetă americană care locuiește în București. Beneficiara a două burse Fulbright, două premii din partea Academiei Poeților Americani și a unei Burse Globale Robert Pinsky pentru poezie, poemele ei au fost publicate...
by XO | Sep 26, 2017 | Author, International Guests, Interviews, Toby Altman
Toby Altman © Sara Wainscott Toby Altman is the author of Arcadia, Indiana (Plays Inverse, 2017) and five chapbooks, including recently Security Theater (Present Tense Pamphlets, 2016). His poems can be found in Crazyhorse, Jubilat, Lana Turner, and other journals and...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Aase Berg, Author, International Guests, Interviews
Aase Berg To be able to transform, the “I” has to accept total loneliness and emptiness Interview by Andra Rotaru The volume Dark Matter begins as a portal through which the voices of Nature (plants and animals) are heard. Pain is present in space, just...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Gene Tanta, International Guests, Interviews
Gene Tanta Gene Tanta (Iowa Writers’ Workshop MFA, UW-Milwaukee PhD) is a poet, teacher, and translator of contemporary Romanian poetry. Dr. Tanta reads and writes about twentieth-century American poetry, first-generation American poets, and the European Avant-garde....
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Cia Rinne, International Guests, Interviews
Cia Rinne Cia Rinne (Gothenburg, Sweden, 1973) is a poet and artist based in Berlin. She writes minimal, visual and acoustic poetry in different languages, and collaborates on performances and sound installations. Her publications include the books zaroum (Helsinki,...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, International Guests, Interviews, Tomás Cohen
Tomás Cohen Tomás Cohen is a Chilean writer, translator and painter. In 2003, he received a grant offered by the Pablo Neruda Foundation. He studied Musicology and Fine Arts at the Pontifical Universidad Católica de Chile, was an exchange student in Art History at New...