by XO | Oct 21, 2017 | Author, Challenging Readings, Hard to Grasp, Thomas Cousineau
Thomas Cousineau Thomas Cousineau, Professor of English (Emeritus) at Washington College in Maryland, was a Fulbright Scholar in American Studies at the University of Bucharest during the Fall 2014 term. His books include After the Final No:...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Adam Day, Author, Challenging Readings, Hard to Grasp
Adam Day Adam Day coordinates The Baltic Writing Residency in Latvia, Scotland, and Kentucky. He is the recipient of a 2010 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship for Badger, Apocrypha, and is also the recipient of a 2011 PEN Emerging Writers Award. His work...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Challenging Readings, Hard to Grasp, Kelsi Vanada
Kelsi Vanada Kelsi Vanada is a recent graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She teaches literature and creative writing for the University of Iowa, and translates from Spanish. Her poems and translations have appeared most recently in Berfrois and Prelude. She...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Challenging Readings, Hard to Grasp, Thomas Cousineau
Thomas Cousineau Thomas Cousineau, Professor of English (Emeritus) at Washington College in Maryland, was a Fulbright Scholar in American Studies at the University of Bucharest during the Fall 2014 term. His books include After the Final No: Samuel Beckett’s Trilogy,...
by XO | May 23, 2017 | Author, Challenging Readings, Hard to Grasp, Sadek Mohammed
Sadek Mohammed Sadek Mohammed (Iraqi poet, translator and scholar) is the editor-in-chief of Iraq Literary Review and a professor of Modern Poetry and Literary Criticism at the University of al-Mustansiriya in Baghdad. Grappling with Blind Owls or on Reading Difficult...