Gabrielle CivilGABRIELLE CIVIL is a black feminist performance artist, poet, and writer, originally from Detroit MI. She has premiered fifty original performance art works, most recently with Wild Beauty at Velocity in Seattle (2020). Her performance memoirs include...
Salvare de la înec
Mihók Tamás (1991, Oradea) este poet bilingv și traducător literar. A absolvit Facultatea de Litere din cadrul Universităţii din Oradea. A studiat la ELTE Budapesta timp de doi ani, ca bursier. În prezent, este doctorand la Universitatea „Petru Maior” din Târgu Mureș....
Prefabricated photo
Irina Mihai, born in Galați, Romania, is always embracing new cultures through living and travelling abroad. Her first manuscript came while skimming through the diary and the photos of her longest worldwide trip, relieving...
Ioana Ieronim a debutat editorial cu Vară timpurie, Cartea Românească, 1979. A publicat peste zece volume de poezie, dintre care Egloga și Triumful Paparudei sunt de poezie narativă. Cel din urmă a apărut în Anglia (trad. Adam J. Sorkin, Bloodaxe, nominalizat la...
I leave the ghosts at home when I travel
Gerður KRISTNÝ (fiction writer, poet; Iceland) is the author of five poetry collections, two novels, nine books for children, a travelogue and one biography. Widely awarded, her work has been translated into 21 languages. In 2011, the musical [The Ball at...
Cities of Birth and Memories
Nikola Madzirov (poet, essayist and translator) was born into a family of Balkan Wars refugees in 1973 in Strumica, Macedonia. His poetry has been translated into thirty languages and published in collections and anthologies in the US, Europe and Asia. He is the recipient of the Hubert Burda European poetry award, the Miladinov Brothers poetry prize, the Studentski Zbor award and the Aco Karamanov prize.
Viena nu poate fi alungată
Daniel Sur (n. 29 noiembrie 1974, în Tileagd, jud. Bihor) este poet, prozator, scenarist și promoter cultural. Licenţiat în filosofie la Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca (1997), absolvent de Master în Hermeneutică (1999) la aceeaşi universitate. A debutat...
O vulpe arctică dădea un search pe Google
Cătălin Pavel este arheolog și scriitor. A publicat romanele Aproape a şaptea parte din lume, Humanitas, 2010, Nicio clipă Portasar, Cartea Românească, 2015, Trecerea, Cartea Românească, 2016. A publicat volumele de poezie Altera Pars, ATU, 2013, Tulburarea la...
An American in… Bucharest!
Thomas Cousineau, Professor of English (Emeritus) at Washington College in Maryland, was a Fulbright Scholar in American Studies at the University of Bucharest during the Fall 2014 term. His books include After the Final No: Samuel Beckett’s Trilogy, Waiting for...