The Power and Agency of Language

Amira Rammah Amira Rammah (poet, translator) received a BA in English Language and Literature, and pursued an MA in Cross Cultural Studies both from Institut Supérieur des Langues de Tunis (University of Carthage). In 2014, she was selected to participate in the...


Johannes Göransson     Johannes Göransson is the author of six books, including most recently The Sugar Book (Tarpaulin Sky Press 2015), and has translated a number of Swedish poets, including Aase Berg, Henry Parland, Johan Jönson, Ann Jäderlund...

Hot Still-Scape

Henry Finch Henry Finch’s poetry appears in The North American Review, The Sugar House Review, The Massachusetts Review, jubilat, The Seattle Review, Prelude, Forklift Ohio, Transom, The Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa...

Cities of Birth and Memories

Nikola Madzirov Nikola Madzirov (poet, essayist and translator) was born into a family of Balkan Wars refugees in 1973 in Strumica, Macedonia. His poetry has been translated into thirty languages and published in collections and anthologies in the US, Europe and Asia....

On the Violence of Consciousness

Gene Tanta Gene Tanta (Iowa Writers’ Workshop MFA, UW-Milwaukee PhD) is a poet, teacher, and translator of contemporary Romanian poetry. Dr. Tanta reads and writes about twentieth-century American poetry, first-generation American poets, and the European Avant-garde....

The Polyphony of Poetry Publishing

Henry Finch Henry Finch’s poetry appears in The North American Review, The Sugar House Review, The Massachusetts Review, jubilat, The Seattle Review, Prelude, Forklift Ohio, Transom, The Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa...