by XO | May 6, 2019 | Author(s)hip, Cătălina Florina Florescu
Cătălina Florina Florescu I came to the States to experiment with exile. I came here to see how it feels to be dual. I was born in Romania. I earned my Bachelor’s from University of Bucharest, Romanian Literature (major), American Literature (minor); I hold a Master’s...
by XO | Jan 13, 2019 | Author, Bogdan Varvari, Prozatori români, Story Shelf
Bogdan Varvari Bogdan Varvari (n. 1981, Timișoara) a absolvit Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, specializarea Filosofie. Lucrează patru ani ca profesor de Științe Socio-Umane la diverse licee timișorene. Ulterior, renunță la învățământ și se angajează...
by XO | Sep 28, 2017 | Author, Author(s)hip, Simona Nastac
Simona Nastac Simona Nastac studied Art History and Theory in Bucharest and holds an MA in Creative Curating from Goldsmiths University, London. She has curated exhibitions and live events in London, Seoul, New York, Saint Petersbug, Prague, Shanghai, Cluj and...